DescriptionDog Description
Love at first sight? This little guy will catch your attention so fast with his beautiful eyes and coat. He is destine to be about 13-15” tall, and will be a great family dog or show dog. His blood lines are straight from champion blood and he is responding well to training already. Early socialization is our trick to making such great dogs. This little guy, along with our other pups, has been around my children and other dogs from day 1. He will respond well to obedience training, exercise, and bonding with the family. You don’t want to pass up this pup, I promise! He is evidence of our 15 year old breeding program where we follow bloodlines to hand pick the perfect match for a mother and father creating beautiful, quality puppies. This little girl got the best traits from each of her parents. Both of her parents are exquisite adult dogs and we could not be happier the results we have received.
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