What we do with our Miniature and Toy Australian Shepherds
Here at Color Country Aussies we strive to produce amazing quality show dogs even if they are leaving our farm as a family pet. It gives us and our fur family members a peice of mind that they are receiving not only a healthy, but a beautifully built dog. Before an adult dog can be bred or begin to breed they are shown and championed to ensure that they have what it takes to produce amazing offspring. Showing has become a big part of our lives. All but 3 months out of the year, our lives revolve around showing our amazing dogs. This is a way for us to show off all the hard work us and our dogs have put in. It has become a big part of who we are and what we want our program to be.
Every month we travel across the country all the way from Southern Utah to states like Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Indiana, Kentucky, you name it! Sometimes we take 20+ dogs, but most of the time we are traveling with our Top Ten Dogs in the ASDR Program. This show year has been more than good to us. Our dogs have scored across the board and won about every award there is to offer! As the proud owner I am of these dogs, I am beyond blessed to be able to have thes amazing animals in my life.
With the ASDR Top Ten program we participate in, we compete in conformation, rally, agility, nosework, and herding. This has been such a great way for our dogs to learn and for us to improve our dog handling skills. Our dogs have excelled in these trials! We personally love the fun ones like rally, agility, nosework and herding. Conformation is a great way to show off the looks in our dogs though. Every dog we take to a show competes in a conformation class.
CH Color Country's Follow My Aero
Aero is one heck of a show dog! This year she was one of my daughters, Taylor, Top Ten Performance dogs. She started the year off as a puppy so she was behind in the odds but surprised us all and went all the way for the 1st spot in the program. Aero surpassed every level there was in agility, rally, nose work, and conformation. She titled out this year in rally reaching Level 6 and in Conformation for her Grand Elite Titles. Next year she will be finsihing up her Agility and Nose work titels. We can wait to see how taylor and Aero do!